Increasing Max Upload Size in ZPanel / SENTORA / Linux VPS / CentOs 6

ZPanel / Sentora server control panels by default only allow up to 2MB files to be uploaded. When importing a database you’ll likely have a database larger than this or sometimes you need to upload big size of video file / document file or any other types of big size file then make some changes in your php.ini file and you get things done easly.

Follow these steps:

Login using an SSH client such as PuTTy in your server Once you’ve accessed your server via SSH, you may proceed with the following steps: 

Change the folder to the /etc
type command  cd /etc 


Use a text editor to edit php.ini file
type commad  nano php.ini

Find and change the following values to 200M
Upload_max_filesize = 200M
Post_max_size = 200M

You can find both parameters quickly by using CTRL + W
in nano then entering in the name of each parameter that you’re looking for

For exit from nano text editor press Ctrl + X
then press "Y" and then press Enter key to save changes to the file.

Once these values have been saved restart the apache web service using the following command:
type command   service httpd restart

This will allow the changes you made to the php.ini to take effect immediately.

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